Stylish, bold and detailed, this pair of black stingray shoes will be a great addition to your wardrobe.  Rendered entirely in black stingray, the silhouette features an ankle high shaft, slightly pointy toe and Cuban heel. Contrasting row stone stingray up the front. Inside calf zipper. Leather sole is completely hand-stitched and hand-nailed lending to…

5 Shoes For The Week Monday through Friday, the typical work week for any man. 5 days of work, you need 5 pairs of shoes. Each day has their own personality. For example, we all know how Monday is. We’re coming off the weekend and you’re not in gear just yet. By Friday, we’re ready…

Los Altos Alligator Shoes Bold, stylish, handsome and exotic, these Los Altos alligator shoes are just what your wardrobe has ordered. If you don’t have a pair of alligator shoes men, time to get a pair. Let me ask you this, how do you dress? Why does it matter? I like to feel good. Dressing…

Black Shoes For Men Black shoes are always in and we expect nothing different for summer. With formal season in high gear, we thought that we’d bring you a great deal on some high quality black shoes for men. This big black beauty is the chosen one, a gorgeous pair of Giorgio Brutini black shoes…

Caiman Alligator Shoes Sporty, alluring and sexy, these Los Altos Caiman Alligator shoes are exactly what the doctor ordered. Check please! These Caiman Alligator shoes are illegal in 70 countries. Just kidding, exotic they are though. Los Altos hit a homerun with this pair of men’s shoes. Let’s talk about all the great features and…

Men’s Shoes And Boots Popular men’s shoes and men’s boots, with so many options, where could we ever start? Everyone has an opinion, me? Guilty as charged. When I think about the best of the best, I want to be sure that I look at every aspect of what makes a shoe and boot special.…

You see all of the exotic dress shoes and boot in awe, admiring their sleek and sophisticated look. Then you read the names of the skins, and you start to wonder: What is the difference between ostrich quill and ostrich leg? How do you tell alligator tail from belly? And what the heck is caiman…